1-200 Burwell Rd, St. Thomas, ON N5P 4G6


Highview Hideaway Application

Tenant Information
Present Type Of Accommodations

Do you currently rent or own?

Rent Own
Includes Utilities Excludes Utilities
Rental References
Two Personal References (Must Be A Non Family Member)
Gross Monthly Income
General Information

Do you have any pets?

Dog Cat Other

Are you currently in a lease?

Yes No

Do you know what a not for profit is

Yes No

Would you consent to us obtaining a credit report

Yes No

All references will be verified, do you approve?

Yes No
I understand that an in-person interview is mandatory
I acknowledge that Highview Hideaway is a 100% smoke free building
I understand that growing or smoking cannabis anywhere on the Highview Hideaway property is strictly prohibited

The information provided on this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. By entering my initials here I am signing this application electronically.